Thursday, December 29, 2011

This is the start of something new. New in so many ways. New blog, new life, new train of thought and I’m sticking to it!

I have never made a New Year’s Resolution before. I never saw a point. If I wanted to lose weight or change something about my life, I didn’t see a point in waiting until the beginning of the New Year to do it.

This year is different. This year I have consciously decided to come out of my “mom cocoon” and join the world again. I am a stay at home mom and spend all my time taking care of my husband and my one and only son and have been doing that for the past 4yrs. I have enjoyed it, still enjoy it, but realized I missed myself. These 4yrs have gone by so fast that I have only recently realized what it was I have “missed”. I wouldn’t say that I’ve missed it, but have recently realized the differences in the world around me since I became a stay at home mom. I am now in my mid-30’s and realize I don’t even know how to dress myself outside of “mom jeans”, I am no longer technologically advanced as I once was. I don’t own an iphone, ipad, ipod touch or know anything about the technological world that has taken place since 2007. I stopped taking care of myself and listening to my body which leads me to my new start.

Without getting into too much detail, I am a pre-diabetic and have been putting off starting my Metformin for a very long time. I was on it prior to my pregnancy which helped me lose weight, start a family and just kept me healthy. I had gestational diabetes and am now concerned I am on that path again. I know what I need to do but I just need to do it. My new blog is going to be a way for me to keep myself , my body and my life in check before I can’t change the repercussions of my own actions. I am vowing to take my meds, lose the weight, lose the high cholesterol, gain more energy and gain my life back. It has been so easy to lose myself in my son and not even realize it. I have to demand time for myself, for my body and my mind so I can be a better mom and wife.

So this New Year, I am making my first resolution to myself and my family. I have never really completed anything. I’m good at starting, but never finishing. I am determined to see this through and am in hopes of accomplishing that by having to make a blog entry once a week. I will have to keep myself accountable each week. Whether it’s a good week or bad, I am going to share my struggles and joys of my journey to a healthy life. It’s not necessarily about the weight loss itself, but an overall health and wellness approach to my life. I am not going to stress about what I eat or the numbers on the scale although I will divulge the numbers no matter what. It’s about starting my meds, paying attention to my body and doing what I want to do to make myself a better ME!